Monday, February 28, 2011

The Music of Castlevania

Before today's current generation of games, the music of many video games were just composed of sound effects and was usually very repetitive. The soundtracks of early games were not very deep enough that it could connect the player to the game. When Castlevania appeared onto the world of gaming, one of the many things the series was praised for was its' musical score. the most popular songs of the series are "Vampire Killer", "Bloody Tears", and "Bloodlines." These songs have appeared in many other games of the series including modern titles such as Castlevania: Dawn of Sorrow. The consistent use of these same soundtracks (revamped to keep up with the times) has shown a deep interest and connection with the music. The music has even influenced the modern culture of today's music as well. Video Games Live performed a song that was a mash up of various soundtracks in the series in their performance tour. the rap artists known as Army of The Pharaohs used musical bits from "Bloody Tears" to their own song, also called "Bloody Tears." Lily Allen, a songwriter/singer added soud effects and music from the first Castlevania game in her "Cherly Tweed" which she released in her debut album. The music of Castlevania has influenced the minds of many artists on global scale. If there is one thing Castlevania will always be known for, it will be for its music.

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