Monday, March 7, 2011

Death in the Castlevania series

All gamers can agree that one experience they always encounter in a game is death. It is the feature that can make gamers stress or determined. In the early Castlevania games, the hero would die by falling to the ground and disappear.The problem when you died in the early games is that when you died, you would have to start back at the very beginning of the game. This feature either encouraged gamers to give up or test their pride and go another round. As the series grew with the current generation of games, the games themselves got easier with the gamer. There were now save points, so when you died, you could start from a save point and not from the beginning of the game. The gamer could take a break so he or she did not have to complete the game in a single run. Does this mean that Castlevania has lost it's power to challenge the player? Of course not. Most bosses in the curret games will make the gamer die several times before discovering a way on how to defeat them finally giving the player the satisfaction of winning. Some games in the series will make you die to uncover certain endings in the game (although, they are not the endings most players desire to get). These factors keep the gamer coming back for more. 

(The two animations the main character makes when she dies in Castlevania:Order of Ecclesia)

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