Wednesday, March 9, 2011


Although death is a constant presence the player must deal with when progressing through the game, in Castlevania, Death is also an actual physical being the hero must face. In the story, Death is Dracula's right hand man and eternal servant.

(The artwork of Death from Castlevania: Lament of Innocence)

Death has appeared in numerous times throughout the series. His design is reflected upon the cultural belief of what Death would like if it were a real being.

(An example of what Death has been imagined to look like)

Throughout the series, Death's image has grown with the series. he used to look like the standard concept but his design has matured with the gamers. Over the years, his look has gained much more detailed and less like the common skeleton-in-robes-look-with-the-scythe. Some games even give him a transformation. The boss battles against him usually consist of him using his standard move with the scythes raining from the ceiling and various other attacks that were given to him for that one game alone. The hero usually dies from the falling scythes beacause they are the hardest to evade.This means frequent retries and starting over from the last the save point. Death has given, both physically in game and underlying, the real challenges the gamers have faced in the Castlevania  series.

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