Wednesday, March 9, 2011

The Art Style

Many gamers will usually recoginize a Castlevania game by it's art style. The series has retained its' gothic art design through the course of the series. The layouts of the levels themselves also follow this demographic. The games sets up the hero in a dark, eerie castle with bats flying in the dark evening sky. The common full moon loomoing over the castle also gives off the presence of darkness in the area. Some games do not start the hero at the castle but those areas are no less scary. Among these many locales are dark forests, the depths of the ocean, or a deserted island.
(a typical Castlevania evening)

The character designs also show a gothic style to them. It demonstrates a serious personality to the characters that can relate to a more mature audience. Castlevania gamers do not want to play a game that is meant for anyone under the teen ages. It is the one feature that fans of the series will always want to remain the same; the art design.

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