Saturday, April 2, 2011

Castlevania: Legends

When Castlevania was established as a popular franchise of Konami, a timeline for the series was designed to keep track of the series events. In 2002, when the timeline was first put up, many games were omitted from it. Among these games included were Circle of the Moon, Legacy of Darkness, and Legends. When the timeline wa updated, Legends was still excluded.This decision was debated upon many gamers as it is believed to be fundamental to the timeline. Legends is said to be the prequel to Castlevania III: Dracula's Curse, which featured Trevor Belmont as the first Belmont to defeat to Dracula. The debate behind this decision was that Legends's hero, Sonia Belmont (would be the first female lead role in the series but since she does not exist in the timeline, Shanoa is the first) was first of the Belmont's to defeat Dracula and gave birth to the next generation of the Belmont clan; Trevor Belmont. The game describes the power of the Belmont clan and its relationship with Dracula's son, Alucard. Some gamers feel that leaving Legends out of the timeline, many plot points are left missing. Some gamers pleased to see Legacy of Darkness and Circle of the Moon back in the updated timeline but still upset about the exclusion of Legends. These gamers believe that regardless of being in the timeline or not, Sonia Belmont was the first true Belmont to defeat Dracula.

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