Saturday, April 2, 2011

Saturday Morning Makeover...

The gothic art style has given the many games of the Castlevania series much praise. To acquire a younger audience, Iga thought by changing the serious gothic style into anime but still retaining the gothic feel. Iga took the risk because Aria of Sorrow, prequel to Dawn of Sorrow did not meet his sales expectations. The anime art style was used in two games only; Dawn of Sorrow and Portrait of Ruin. Both games received praise from critics but only got negative comments for looking like a "Saturday morning cartoon." Some fans did care and others did not. Most of these comments came from long time veterans of the series. The critism was shut down when the pure gothic art style returned in Order of Ecclesia. Iga did succeed in this change as more people became more interested in the Castlevania franchise.

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